If porn is “ok” or “mainstream” as some say why is it that it’s often hidden? We’ve all heard about the porn stash – that secret place where people hide their porn. Why do they feel they have to hide it? And whom are they hiding it from? What makes them feel like they need to hide it? Is there something deep inside that is telling them they really shouldn’t be looking at this stuff? That it’s wrong? Do they hide it because they’re afraid of what people would think of them? I think it’s a little of all of those. No matter how much the world tries to make porn more expectable the stigma is still there and rightfully so. Because deep in the soul people know something about porn is just not right. So it’s hidden in the porn stash.
There are lots of virtual porn stashes on the Internet. And libraries across the country have now opened those stashes up to everyone. They call it a “free-speech” issue. Hmmm…I’m not buying it. Prior to Internet porn libraries didn’t stock Penthouse and Hustler magazines and they didn’t provide XXX movies along with their other movie selections. There wasn’t a secret library porn stash kids could get access to. But there is now. Kids can easily see hard-core porn at the library. At some library they can surf to porn sites themselves and at others they can easily watch as an adult surfs porn. There society goes again trying to make porn mainstream. To think you can’t bring your kids to the library anymore without being concerned they’ll see hardcore porn is just crazy.
The porn stash…they even found one at the house Osama Bin Laden was staying at. He even thought he needed to hide his porn. The top terrorist in the world who seemed to always have a machine gun lying nearby but he had to hide his porn. Little did he know he could have just gone to the library.