Every week I receive emails from people who are confessing their need for help. Porn has grabbed a hold of their life and they are drowning in guilt and shame. I hate these emails. I hate to see people hurting and struggling through such a devastating issue. I love freedom. I love to see people winning in this battle.
However, it feels like more people are struggling everyday and no one is exempt. If everyone is struggling then that includes pastors just as much as it includes traveling salesmen. Many of the emails I receive will include one line that complicates everything, “…and I am a Pastor and I don’t have anyone to talk to about this problem.” Or “I am a Pastor and I cannot stop looking at porn.”
Are you a Pastor struggling with porn? I recently received an email from a Pastor who has struggled the majority of his life with porn but is now winning for the first time in his life. Yes, it is possible to win! This is what he is doing…
“I was completely open and honest with the leaders of the church that hired me, and I’m thankful to say that God has done amazing work in my life, marriage and ministry. It wasn’t a “perfect” two years of recovery, with occasional lapses into online porn, but things kept getting better and better as I was ruthlessly honest and intentional in few areas. I had to battle through unemployment, depression (even suicidal thoughts), the deep damage I inflicted on my best-friend and spouse, the embarrassment and shame of losing my career, and so on. Today I am,
– Pursuing God and allowing Him to work in and through other areas of my life
– Staying connected and serving in Christian community
– Doing the hard work of counseling and recovery group
– Allowing strong boundaries (internet…) and personal accountability into every area of my life
– Confessing my sin when it happened, and embracing the grace and forgiveness offered
– Not giving into the lies and shame poured out on me by the enemy”
What a great focus. I will pursue God with deep intimacy in every area of my life, I will not isolate myself from Christian community, I will join a recovery group, I will set strong boundaries and be accountable to those boundaries, I will practice confession, and I will never give up!
Print out these steps and keep them with you and never forget these key steps to winning the battle.