I guess in some way this is a response to a confession found elsewhere on the site. In some other way, it’s an all important reminder of how critical the need is to head this porn thing off immediately.
As you search scripture, we are told to stay away from all things sexually immoral. The apostle Paul even says to flee from it. Though often, we are confronted with the sexually immoral, and there are times when we don’t flee. I guess that’s where the confession comes in. In the confession, the son describes how he found out about his father’s addiction to pornography, how it developed into something more, how his family will be affected and even how the church members will be.
Four years took place from “original sin” in this matter and son did nothing. It’s a scary thing for a child to be confronted with. A hero to him is taking a long and hard fall, and he is the only one who knows. Tough stuff, do doubt.
So what to do? Matthew 18 has a passage in it that details what to do. This is especially difficult to handle, especially since the sinner caught in sin is the father. Again, rough stuff. Still though- it needs to be addressed, immediately. You see, lives are being affected negatively already. The dad is falling further and further from grace, the wife is living a married lie; the church is being brought along with him. To say that no one knows but the son is covering up the fact that the father is unaware of his charge to care for his family and faith; church. Lead the kids the way they should go, right? How about caring for the little ones? The sins of the father will be judged more harshly that one who is not in care of others.
But perhaps the sin is not the main issue here, at least not to me. It’s about giving an opportunity for restoration- to faith, family; Jesus. No way are these relationships healthy. No way they’re going to be, without first confronting them head on.
I commented on the confession blog about what I think should happen. But no way is this problem isolated to that specific confession. It’s huge, really. Marriages are living lies every where we turn. Pastors are still pulling the wool over their parishioners eyes every day. The problem remains and we must be the guiding force behind helping others make the next right decision.