“Real” sex cannot compare to pornography. I mean how can sex, restricted to one partner, with limitations compare to a sexual fantasy world disguised as reality? We have reformatted our brains into believing that “real” sex is less exciting, more limiting, and overall less fruitful than its counterfeit. When you tell your brain throughout many years that you need pornography to experience a high you believe less and less in the biblical model of sex. This becomes true spiritually and physiologically.
Sex the way God intended is so much better, so much more fruitful, and so much more fulfilling than porn. However, the false reality of pornography rewires our brains to believe it is so much better. I think it is very similar to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God clearly blessed these two people. He gave them a beautiful place to live with so many benefits and yet they made the decision to test out a different reality. What if there is something better? Maybe that one forbidden tree will give us greater knowledge and more fulfillment. Maybe what God said was good for our lives is actually less than what this tree can deliver. Adam and Eve made a conscious choice to abandon God’s plan to gain a counterfeit garden.
When we choose pornography we abandon God’s plan for sex. The counterfeit to sex, pornography, appears to deliver on it’s promise of satisfaction while slowly destroying our lives. There is no room for both pornography and “real” sex. Pornography is a false reality that removes the need for a committed relationship and intimate sex.
The only way to develop a deep desire to intimate God ordained sex is to abandon in entirety pornography. It is only then that “real” sex becomes thrilling, titillating, healthy, and productive in a marriage relationship. Your expectations shift from a position of false intimacy to real intimacy.Once you taste the real thing at the deepest level of connection and intimacy you will run from that what promises everything and yet can’t deliver.