Week after week you hope to come up with a profound and griping post to submit to be placed on here…

But how often do we truly sit down and think about our story – The ups and downs of battle with pornography addiction.

How often do we step back…

…and realize the impact of our choices.

But don’t stop with looking at it in a “I should behave better” way, but go beyond to look at it in a holistic way.  Go beyond the explanation of “just another bad night” or “I don’t have a problem, it doesn’t happen that often” or “I’m human, not Jesus”…

…to “why is the part of my life?”

Let’s be honest – it’s fun while it lasts (we wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t – we like looking at stuff). But it always ends, and we aren’t happy or fulfilled. You know that’s true…

You ask, “how did I get here?”, “I know better, why doesn’t that stop me?”, “What hole is it filling in my heart and mind? “

Now step back – Do you see the face, and heart, of your spouse (or significant other) when you do this? You’re kids? You’re congregation? You’re family? Those friends who truly believe this isn’t the best for you? It doesn’t matter if they know or not… imagine.

Do you see the face, and heart, of your God? Are you feeling shame, guilt, anger, indifference, peace or nothing? Look again…

He suffered for us, He came down here to walk as we do – to feel and experience the things we feel and experience. Temptation, struggle, hurt, brokenness, etc… is universal. Culture and circumstances may be different – but struggle and temptation is still struggle and temptation regardless. It’s a cop out if we say differently…

Change comes slowly sometimes… but let the change happen. Don’t forget He desires to transform you. Don’t forget His immense patience with us all. Don’t forget the God of the Universe came here, and lived among us.

Don’t forget He loves you. He loves us…

He came not just to offer us assurance of Heaven, but to give us life more abundantly here and now.

Hurt, righteous anger, sadness… that may be there in His eyes. But see the hand extended…

… the one with holes in His hand? See the grace, mercy and love on His face and written on His heart? It’s there, I bet my life on it…

P.S. Read Romans 5:12 – 6:23 again, with fresh eyes. You have probably looked at it many times and preached or taught from it a few times – but this time, just read the story and let God work.

This is risky, but if you ever need someone to share stuff with – below is an email address created solely to connect with people on here, or other contact info.