This morning at 200a came way to quick. The wife and I were awoken to the sound of what seemed like dying cats coming from inside the house, an interesting feat to think of since we don’t have any cats. So I got up out of bed, put on some shorts just in case some cat wrangling was needed and headed out to the living room where the noise was coming from. Much to my surprise and total dismay, the sound was not dying cats, but rather the sound of our air conditioning going out. A truly wretched sound considering the days are now solidly hitting 105+ degrees. After messing with the controls a bit (to no avail) trying to force the thing to work, I gave up and headed back to bed, letting the wife know that we’ll need a hotel while the AC is being fixed, and settle into a nice and sweaty sleep. Not exactly what I had planned on the night before. 

Evening came quick after a long day at church as our family settled in at the local La Quinta. I had hoped to enjoy the pool, but nothing is really relaxing when it’s 109’ outside with no shade. So I gave up, put the kids to bed and turned on the tube. As I flip through the channels, CNBC (PORN: Business of Pleasure – had a special (first premiere was Wednesday, July 15th) on about the downfall of paid pornography. The basis being, why pay for porn when it is so readily available free via social networking and file sharing sites. Now, I don’t think porn will ever stop making loads of cash day in and day out, but the story was intriguing none the less. 

With access to such on demand content, it’s no wonder this generation is so consumed with lust. It’s also no wonder why so many are struggling with this and are having a difficult time getting their struggles out there for others to help them deal with it. As a pastor, the issue of sexual impurity is an often talked about topic, whether it be with married couples or students who are dealing with it themselves. It’s also a topic discussed among other pastors as well. 

I have noticed something, almost a sort of trend happening. There are those who try to force the issue of accountability and those that resist it. I think we can acknowledge that accountability is a biblical issue (in many forms). We all know pushy people and that pastors can be incredibly pushy at times. But I have also noticed that there are those out there that are seriously struggling with sin issues and that the last thing they need in their life, confronting them is an overbearing, aggressive pastor or friend. Sure, the confronter/comforter may be doing their best to help their friend out, but perhaps this is not the way to go about such things. 

Much like a broken AC unit, you can’t make things work just by pressing a few buttons. You just can’t force it. Like fixing an AC unit, these things take time. They take patience. They take a committed pastor or friend who is willing to wait and take things the distance.

James 5:16

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.