Side Effects Of Porn Addiction

What are the negative side effects of porn addiction? Or do porn addiction side effects even exist? Is there anything detrimental about porn addiction effects and the impact it can have on your mind, body, or emotions?

The answer to all these questions is that yes, there are side effects of porn addiction, and yes, they can have a wide variety of negative impacts. We’ve talked to countless people, we’ve heard the stories, we’ve seen it with our own eyes:

The side effects of porn addiction are pretty much nothing but destructive.

Porn addiction changes the way you think about the world. Instead of seeing people as unique, God-created individuals, you see them as objects to satisfy your lust.

Porn addiction changes the way you think about yourself. Instead of seeing yourself as a whole person and all the triumphs and tragedies that entails, you tend only to see your flaws and live a life of shame and guilt for not being able to give this up.

If you’re married, porn addiction changes the way you interact with your spouse, which is truly one of the most insidious side effects of porn addiction. Instead of sex being the formative bond it’s intended to be within marriage, it becomes problematic, infused with porn. Whether your spouse knows about your porn addiction or not, it’s incredibly difficult to leave your porn habits out of the bedroom. What is meant to be a pure and intimate moment becomes stained by porn.

Our team at XXXchurch has written extensively about this, so to learn more about the potential side effects of porn addiction by reading our blog section.

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