I do not have a Porn Addiction, so I do not need accountability.  True, or False? 


                 It’s sad that so many people think accountability is needed when they have done something wrong.  What if we start now and teach this next generation about being OPEN? What if we show them that two is better than one and God did not mean for us to go it alone.  Do you have someone in your life asking you the hard questions?  Leading you to truth?  Do you have one or two people who you go deep with?  You may have 500 Facebook friends and many who follow you on Twitter……but do you have a person you get face to face with and they ask you for the whole truth and you tell them?  Do you have someone who cares enough about you that they want you to be the best you possible?  NO?  THEN GET ONE!

                I have 2 women in my life that I have this kind of relationship with.  They ask me questions like these: How are you spending your money? How are you spending your time? Have you talked about someone behind their back? What has your attitude been towards your husband and kids? How is your spiritual walk?  Are you taking care of your body(exercising and eating right)?

 No man is an island.  We need people.  God created us to need and lean on each other.  He tells us that iron sharpens iron!  This type of relationship is special and sacred.  So, do not use your Facebook status as your place to be OPEN!  Pick one or two friends that you are willing be completely honest with and dive in!  It can be uncomfortable but I promise you will see positive changes.  Studies have been done about people doing the right thing when they know others are watching or they have someone to answer to.  Set this up in your life and watch areas of struggle start to feel easier.  When we share our burdens with others, the load gets lighter! 

BE OPEN!!!!!