Six years ago a man by the name of Aron Rolston was hiking near Moab, Utah. He was in a canyon all alone and when, a boulder fell down and crushed his arm. He was there for five days trapped in the canyon. He rationed out his water and then finally drinking the last of his water. there was nobody hiking in the same area he was. He takes a video camera that he has and records a good bye to his family. Then taking his knife tries to chisel on a rock his date of birth and his date of death. Aron Ralston almost died in that canyon. He ends up cutting on his arm with the knife till he was able to cut through. He then repels down the mountain until he was rescued by a family.
When Aron was asked to explain what happened he said two things.”I was climbing alone” and “nobody knew were I was”. “I almost died because, I was climbing alone and nobody knew were I was”
Are you out there trying to battle this issue of pornography alone?
Have you told anyone were you are?
Just take a look and read the confessions here on the X3 Church site. You will notice many people have not told anyone and choose to battle this on their own. Only to realize that they were trapped and no one knew were they were and that they were dieing. Not until they told someone what they were going through and got accountability did they start to remove this problem from their lives.
This same thing goes for couples who are dealing with this alone. Not only does the person who is battling the addiction to porn need to bring people along with them, so does the spouse. The spouse as well needs to have people in their life as well to deal with the things that they are going through as well. God did not intend for us to go through trials in our life alone.
Another thing that Aron mentioned in his story was how he made a decision to cut his arm off in order to remove himself from under the boulder. He had to do something drastic in order to survive and get down from that mountain. If you want to survive this and clean things up you will have to take drastic measures as well to do so. The first step is telling someone and we all know it is tough but, something that needs to be done. Another thing is removing the things that cause temptation to turn to porn. If you go online to view porn it could be accountability software, a filter, moving the computer in a public area, or removing the computer all together.
So take the stand today and tell someone that you are struggling and you need their help. Maybe you know that your husband, wife, or friend is struggling with it. Talk to them and start this conversation and gain momentum down the path to recovery.
If you would like some more resources please visit the resources area on this site.
If you are a wife who’s husband is going through this and you are looking for a place to turn to. Please visit my friends at Partners For Purity. They have been there before and understand all the emotions and issues that you are going through right now.
If you are looking for a way to help you get things started and get clean try the X3 Pure Online 30 day workshop.
If you would like to contact Darcy or myself please feel free to do so at clicking Here.