Not to sound like my 2 year old…..but I want more. I want an abundance! Clothes? Shoes? Money? Sex? NO. Peace. I want an abundant life full of peace…..Lots of it.
Many try to strive for an abundant life but they fill it with stuff or desires and they are left empty every time. I used to be like that and on my bad days I still am. But after being cheated on, abused and left, I have a new view of what an abundant life is. I used to really want the house, the car, the kids, great vacations and for the whole picture to look glossy and good. When that all crumbled I was left with the Lord. Was He enough? What do I do with all that STUFF I wanted? The nice thing about losing everything is that we gain a new perspective of what’s important and what we REALLY need.
I will always battle my flesh for what I want and what I think I need. But deep in my core I know that living the abundant life means having peace. Peace can ONLY come through the Lord. It often means looking at yourself and seeing things you need to change, let go of, and surrender. God is always ready to heal us and fill those broken “wanting” areas of our hearts. I love this verse in respect to healing and peace.
Jeremiah 33:6 “‘Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
Heck he even threw in security! I’ll take some of that too! I challenge you to do the hard work of seeking holiness in your life. WARNING: it will never be completed on this Earth but worth striving for daily!!! I believe living the abundant life is a daily surrendering to the Lord. Asking for His peace and comfort to come and dwell in us. He promises to be faithful to us, no matter what our situation.
1 Timothy 1:14 The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
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