This will be a short post. I HATE this question!! Seriously! NO. The answer is NO! I have good friends that struggled with infertility for years. When they started treatment, the doctor suggested porn to them to “help”. I have now learned that infertility sex is stressful and can often feel very forced and detached. They considered it but knew it was a slippery slope. Amen.
I have had discussions with people about porn and they always use this line about using porn in marriage. They think that this is trump card which will stump me and end the conversation. Here is my reply, PLAIN AND SIMPLE:
If your marriage is having a rough time sexually, how will watching someone else have sex help you? If you think that this will help, then you would feel comfortable asking your friends, pastor, or parents to watch them have sex?….right? The fact that the people in porn are strangers makes it okay and helpful? NO. God tells us that the marriage bed is sacred, it is private and it is only between a husband and his wife. DO NOT invite others into it in any way! What you see in Porn is not real and heck, those two people often barely know each other. God calls us to be ONE with our spouse and this goes much deeper than just sex. Porn is fantasy and NOT real and it will leave you empty and your marriage in worse shape! Work through the issues together and God will bless your efforts.