Did any of you see that show? Temptation Island? I think I watched 2 seconds of it and knew that it was a BAD idea! I love that couples thought it was a good idea to put themselves into temptation to see if they would “make it”. DUH. Seriously. The bible tells us our “flesh is weak” (Matt 26:41).
How do we as wives help our husbands FLEE temptation? I think it starts with the screens in your house. I have to get back up on my TV/Movie soapbox. What comes into your homes on your TV is YOUR CHOICE! Maybe it’s time to block some channels, maybe you set a guideline of movies you will watch and not watch. Maybe that means turning a movie off if it goes in an unexpected direction. My husband and I have decided to crack down on what we watch and only do some PG13 movies. We rented one the other night that looked funny and good. About half way into it we realized that the main character having sex with her boyfriend was the main plot. We both decided to turn it off because it was no good for our eyes, our hearts and our marriage. I was ticked at the $1.28 we paid Redbox, but it was a cheap lesson and I am glad we agreed to not just get through it and get our money worth!
Maybe the music you listen to needs to be curbed. Maybe you go on a Christian or a Classical music fast. Cut out all the other crap….maybe words altogether. Songs that describe women’s bodies and different sexual acts, no matter how discreet they may seem, still creep into the brain. I don’t know what you need to cut out to help, but I encourage you to start looking. You have to remember that men watch and listen WAY differently than we do. I always think leading by example is the best way. Maybe you should get hypersensitive about this for a while to see how easy it creeps into your lives and your homes.
By far the BEST way to flee temptation is to stay plugged into the Lord. By seeking Him daily through His word and prayer, lifting your husband in prayer and asking God to send others to help hold him accountable and be a good influence on him. Ask God to give you the eyes to see areas you need to tighten up so that temptation does not slip in. WATCH AND PRAY!
MATT 26:41 – “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
I want to be voted off Temptation Island!