Treating women as sexual objects:
Look to the (gender schematic) male who has viewed pornography.
McKenzie, M. et al Personality Soc. Psych. Bul. 1990 16: 296-308.
Abstract: Tested the hypothesis that exposure to nonviolent
pornography would prime a heterosexuality subschema in gender schematic
males and thus lead these males to view and treat a woman as a sexual
object. 60 male undergraduates, half gender schematic and half gender
aschematic, watched either a pornographic or a control video prior to
being interviewed by a female research assistant. Although she was
blind to condition, the female experimenter found the gender schematic
males who had viewed the pornographic video to be significantly more
sexually motivated than the subjects in the other 3 conditions.
Further, in the 1st minute of a free recall task given after the
interview, 72% of the information recalled by this group of males
concerned the physical features of the female experimenter, as compared
with 49% for the males in the other conditions.