It seems another lead pastor has resigned under suspicion he was into porn.
The past two weeks have been an accountability nightmare it seems.
XXXchurch is asking everyone over the next few weeks to have the accountability
conversation with your leaders and staff… Should you need help getting the
conversation going write us: [email protected]
Here’s the news story…..
He was supposed to be a role model for a Miami Valley’s mega-church. But
just days ago, John Jackson, Pastor of the Far Hills Community Church resigned after having apparently admitting to an unnamed sin.
Jackson is still revered by many at the church, even though he resigned under
a cloud of improper behavior, or as one member told told 2News, “he built the
well and he can’t get a stinking drink.” The Jackson loyalist blasted as absolutely
untrue a report by another Dayton television station that his pastor had a
problem with pornography.
Jackson spent seven years growing a church that became so large, it had
to move from Far Hills Avenue to Clyo Road in Centerville.
One church elder said Jackson confessed, repented, and fully submitted
himself to the authority of the church leadership, whose unanimous decision
was to restore him to his position. Then several months into the process,
disagreements began to surface about whether he should return, and those
who disagreed went public. This same church insider accuses those people
of exploiting and exaggerating Jackson’s sin.
When initially contacted by 2News, Jackson’s only comment was “no comment.” 2News
then received a statement from Jackson saying “It is hurtful to all involved
that a small minority would take a private church matter and turn it into
a public issue for personal gain.”
Another member said of the entire congregation, “we are healing and we
are mending. My heart is grieving over what happened here.”
Whatever happened, whatever the sins, and whatever the motivations of
all involved, the truth now is that the Far Hills Community Church membership
today totals 2000, minus one lead pastor.
Author – Howard Nathan WDTN