Have you ever wished that you could experience more intimacy in your marriage? I have at times. I think we all have at some point in our lives.

One of the biggest aids in building and maintaining marital intimacy is learning how to communicate better with our partners. Good, transparent, and clear communication is something that we all need to have in our marriages and the better we communicate the deeper the intimacy we will experience.

Of course there’s a catch. Men and women communicate differently. It’s easy to say we need to communicate better but how do we actually go about doing that?

Well, if that’s what you are thinking I have some great news!

This month I’m co-hosting a FREE webinar with Dave and Ashley Willis of strongermarriages.org called 5 Things Husbands Don’t Tell Their Wives.

Generally, most men have difficulty sharing certain thoughts and emotions with their spouses. Call it pride. Call it fear. Call it just being a man. Whatever you call it just realize that it’s no good for a marriage that’s striving for intimacy.

1. Here are a few questions you might be asking: What will I learn from this webinar? We’re going to talk about these topics and more:

  • How men and women communicate differently
  • Secrets of the male thought process
  • Five messages many men struggle to clearly communicate to their wives
  • The importance of transparency and honesty in marriage
  • Building intimacy through better communication

2. Is this webinar only for women? Definitely not! While women will get a great deal of insight into how their husbands think and communicate men can greatly benefit from this information too.

3. When do I watch? The webinar is on Tuesday, May 20th at 8PM ET (that’s 7PM CT and 5PM PT).  If you can’t make it, register anyway and we will send you the recording after it’s done.

Want to find out how to better your communication with your spouse and build greater intimacy? Then click here to register and find out by watching this FREE webinar.

Check out this preview if you still need to think about it.

*Note: This webinar is now closed for registrations but you can watch it in its entirety in our archives section.