As many of you know, last week we went to the porn show and got 213 people to give up porn for 7 days. We also put up the info on our site and have had several people email us this week and told us how giving up porn for 7 days changed them. Here is one we got…It should get you thinking…..Craig
I took Wally’s Porn Challenge. Here’s my story: Let me tell you, I had a big problem with porn. Big problem. So you know, I decided to seek help. I knew people knew what I did, and it felt like they looked down on me for that very fact. Which they probably did. At first I just read through some of the things, I came across none other than Wally the Wiener and his 7-Day Porn Challenge. Now I would have done something like Pure Online but it was a little expensive for me. So I read about it and thought to myself, do I control porn, or does it really control me? I had remembered countless times when I had said to myself I’m going to stop, but then finding myself the next day defying that very promise. So I went for it. I took the challenge.
Day 1 wasn’t so hard. I was busy the most of the day anyhow. But Day 2 was a little harder. I was stuck at home all day with little to do. Soon an explicit commercial came on and I found myself with the urge to go to my computer, but I didn’t. I walked outside and played basketball for a while and got my mind off it and was find.
By Day 4 it was unbelievably hard to avoid it. Every single thing aroused me. Just seeing another women would drive me insane. But I pursued the challenge and held true. Day 5 was a little easier, and Day 6 was even easier for me with my thoughts slowly drifting away from the bad. And here I am e-mailing you on Day 7 still porn-free.
At this point I have no intention of ever going back to porn. I fought my urge for a week and I think I’m fully capable of continuing. Besides, if I started up again it would just be harder. I also feel so much better about myself. I can look myself in the mirror and know I no longer have to hide. I no longer have to clear my history or log off every time I’m away from my computer. I can know that I haven’t done anything against God and finally feel like I don’t have a dark part of my life to hide. I finally feel that people will treat me normal once they realized I’ve stopped, and some have already. Thank you xxxchurch for helping me.