XXXchurch and Strip Church want to show commitment, love & support to women in the sex industry. Each month we visit 16 strip clubs, and 5 brothels bringing cupcakes to the women who work there; sharing with them the message that, “No matter who you are, no matter where you’ve been you are absolutely loved!” We do their hair and make-up, feed them, and chat with them as they get ready for their shifts. We also offer tangible support for the women who reach out for help each week. Whether they need a doctor, dentist, therapist, food and clothing for their families, new job opportunities, or just someone to talk with and walk through life with, Strip Church offers that. We have developed relationships with some amazing women and would love to impact their lives this year with a Christmas full of hope, blessings, and intentional love! Many women we meet are barely making ends meet and have so much on their plate. Providing basic necessities for their families seems impossible, let alone Christmas gifts. This year, we are launching a brand new initiative called “Strip Church’s Adopt-a-family”. Here is a story of one of the families you can impact this Christmas.

A few weeks ago, we got an emergency phone call from Jill, a single mother of 3. Her boyfriend was showing abusive behavior, and she decided she was done being treated disrespectfully. Abuse is all to familiar to Jill, as she endured 10 years of it with her previous husband. We were able to make a house call, making sure that she and her children were safe, and changed her locks. She was struggling  to provide even the basic necessities for her family because her ex had taken everything. We supplied her with a few bags of groceries to assure the children were fed. Since then, we’ve been able to connect her to Family Resources who have helped her with food, gas, and clothing resources, as well as employment options. She has now applied for 6 jobs, has come to our women’s bible study, and we are planning to bring her and her children to church with us. We are building great relationships with Jill and children Adam (15), James (9), and Ali (6). (Names changed for privacy reasons)

There are so many women like Jill who are without support, and are left feeling alone and helpless. Would you partner with us at Strip Church by creating new memories for these families?

Help us show each child the joys of feeling loved through unwrapping gifts from under the tree. Create excitement and hope within homes where hopelessness exists. Our goal is to impact 20 families this Christmas.

We are asking for a $100 donation for each of the families. We will take the $100 and go buy the gifts. When you send your donation, we will email you the name of the family you’ve adopted & you can send a hand written card to our PO Box that we’ll give, along with their gifts. Fill out this form below and once you will hit submit you will be taken to a checkout page.

If you’d like another option, you can also send gift cards from any store really especially Walmart or Target to Strip Church – PO Box 400758 Las Vegas, NV 89140

We appreciate your support and partnership in loving our Strip Church women and their families this Christmas!

Much Love & Peace,
Joy & The Strip Church Team