My family, Sam and Rachel Sanchez and El Clinto have all landed in Australia. We are here for about 10 days doing a number of things.
I am speaking at a couple different churches in Brisbane. Garden City Church, North-side Church and Citipointe Church over the next two weekends. We have plans to come back in February for the Brisbane Sexpo so we will be recruiting some volunteers while we are over here for that.
During the week, we are all headed down to the Gold Coast. This is the beginning of summer here in Australia and school just got out this past Friday. There is an annual event called “Schoolies” that happens for graduating high school students. It is a crazy week long party with drugs, alcohol, sex and so much more.
There is a group of people that I met last year that organize about 600 volunteers to server the 25,000 or so students that are here for the week. There organization is called Red Frogs and the difted crew is going to be shooting a documentary about their work. Going to be a great trip….