Summer has officially ended! A few updates to let all of you aware of.

-Latest Podcast

The latest episode of X3TV is now live. You can get it in iTunes or watch it on the home page of the page. It has all the craziness from our trip to Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka. The fine folks of Westboro also decided to review the Jesus Loves You book. You can read that HERE.

-ABC News Story

There was a great article about the Jesus Loves You project on ABC news this past weekend. You can check it out on-line by clicking HERE. You can buy the book on AMAZON.

-Facebook Page Contest

The first 7 people to get 100 of their friends to become fans of the XXXchurch Facebook Page will receive a free t-shirt of choice from the X3 Store and the new Jesus Loves You This I know book. All you have to do is go to and click “suggest to friends.” When 100 of your friends have become fans email i[email protected] to win!

-New Bloggers

We have a few new bloggers on the XXXchurch site. A crazy amount of blogs are being written by this team. If you have not read some of the new blogs go right now and do it. Wanted to spotlight a few of the new people and friends of X3. Steve- OH from Virgina and Nicole from Detroit Rock City. I can’t not mention Shellie from Nashville who has been writing for us for sometime now. Shellie and Donny will be in Atlanta September 18-20. if you know anyone that is near ATL. We will be doing a number of events in the ATL.