I wanted to introduce you all to some great people. They have been writing on the couples blog for a few months now and we just posted their video on the site. You can download the video in iTunes as well. You can read all their blogs by clicking here.
We are Brian and Tami, a couple who struggled for years with the devastation of pornography/sex addiction and infidelity.
As we have been walking through recovery, healing and restoration we’ve sensed God calling us to share our story. We connected with the amazing people here at XXXchurch.com and were asked if we would like to share our experience through blogging. We are thrilled and grateful for the opportunity as we desire to see others find hope, healing and freedom from their struggles.
We found this quote and God spoke to us through it:
“We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Nelson Mandela
We believe that God is glorified through our story and our freedom. We hope that our freedom liberates others. We believed that this was not God’s will for our lives and believe it is not his will for yours either.
We have had to walk through some very dark valleys and at times never thought we would come out, but we finally believed that Jesus was calling us to get up and keep going in His love, grace and purpose. His power has certainly been made perfect in our weakness.
Over the next several posts I, Tami will be sharing our journey – our past and where it all started to present.
We are not experts or theologians, just a couple who escaped the grip of darkness and are now living in the Light of a God who loves us more than we ever imagined. We hope our story shows you that God loves you and that his desire is for us all to be free and live in His purpose for our lives.
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.”
Galatians 5:1