We want to let you know about an exciting new opportunity to make a difference with XXXchurch this Holiday season! I have been speaking on behalf of Compassion for 11 years now. I have seen their work first hand in Bolivia, Guatamela and The Dominican Republic. I have met three of my compassion kids as well. In 2006, we took twenty friends we met on the road to go to the DR and meet their sponsored children and it was incredible.

Here is one of the videos we did a while back for Compassion:


We have partnered with Compassion International to bring you this exclusive offer: for $39 a month [tax deductible of course] you can make a HUGE difference in the life of a child. When you sponsor a child through the link that we have given below, we at XXXchurch would like to give you your choice of 2 of the following digital book downloads:

Eyes of Integrity

Pure Eyes

Pure Heart           

The Gutter

Just follow these easy steps:

1. Follow our sponsored link to the Compassion site.

2. Choose a child to sponsor.

3. Fill out all of the necessary forms with your information on the Compassion website.

4. In the comments section of the Compassion form, please denote that you were sent from XXXchurch.

5. Confirm your sponsorship.

6. Email [email protected] your sponsored child’s name and compassion ID number, your name and the names of the books that you would like, and she will send you the download link for your gift.

Please keep in mind, this offer in only available through the XXXchurch sponsored Compassion link. For any additional information regarding your sponsorship, please contact Compassion International! Thank you so much for making a difference in the life of a child this Holiday!