Cynthia began working as a private escort to supplement the little income she was making at a part time job to support her children. Its always awesome for me (Michelle) to hear how the Lord will pursue these girls in the midst of their sexual rebellion and lifestyles. This is the God I know- a God who in spite of a person’s choices continues to pursue and reach out to soften the heart so that He can enter in and help to rebuild and restore even the most vile. Cynthia had started attending a church and became aware of the biblical story of Elijah and really felt compelled to seek a way out of the sex industry and transition back into work that she could feel good about herself in.
While we desire to help every girl/guy out of the industry with financial assistance it is just not possible because sadly there are many requests and not always enough funding. However; it is our goal here at the ministry to find and provide as many resources as we possibly can locally to the guys/girls contacting us. We have partnerships with churches across the nation. We are also committed to sojourning with each girl as they transition through phone calls, emails, skype and if possible face to face meetings. We sent Cynthia a care package and encouragement to be transparent with her pastor about her situation to see if the church could help her through perhaps a benevolence fund. Here is the response I received from Cynthia.
“Hi Michelle,
The bible you sent was the tool God used to keep me strong during this past week. I just would read out loud God’s praises and promises in the Psalms mostly and from somewhere not of my own, Faith grew and grew and I was not allowing doubts or fears to gain control. God really does send us Holy Spirit as our comforter.
I’ve been waiting and praying for a response from my church before I responded back to you. They responded today, they are going to help me.
All glory and honor is to God who is worthy to be praised at any time in our lives. Thank you for your prayers and suggestions.
I love you and pray for you and your ministry. “
Not only did the church help Cynthia with living expenses and things needed to begin to seek new employment- they have given her a part time job at the church providing honest income for her. This is why we do what we do. It is amazing to me how the smallest act of kindness and or encouragement and suggestion can be infused to make a difference in the lives of these girls. They own a piece of my heart.
I thank God everyday for the opportunity to build relationships with these women. If you’re reading these blogs and you desire to help us make a difference in the lives of those God brings to us will you please consider making a donation to the Esther Fund today?
All donations are tax deductible and are used with prayerful discernment. We never release funds directly to the recipient but verify through a process their needs and pay vendors directly (utilities/landlords etc.) with exception to gift cards that can be used for groceries.