We get a lot of questions at XXXchurch.com. Some questions are from people struggling with addictions. Some are from parents, and some are from people who just doubt that porn is really an issue.
When it comes to the merits or problems associated with pornography use there is a wide range of opinion. Some people say it’s never a good thing (like us). Other says it’s “OK” in moderation and even helpful at times like in the case of a marriage which needs to be “spiced up.” There are even those who find no problem with it at all … ever. The problem is, most of what’s out there is opinion. When it comes to pornography there’s not a ton of hard research (no pun intended).
Recently researchers at Florida State University conducted an experiment to determine if consuming pornography affected a person’s commitment to their romantic relationship(s). You can read more on that study here.
What is interesting is that the results of the study found that those using pornography were significantly less committed to their relationships than those who abstained. This then begs the question, are you more likely to cheat or be unfaithful if you watch porn? Seems like it.
Here’s the thing that we sometimes forget. Porn consumption doesn’t just hurt those using it; it hurts those around the person using it.
It hurts marriages.
It hurts friendships.
It hurts your kids.
It even hurts your employers.
Bottom line … porn robs your attention from those who need it the most (Tweet This!).
Yes, we post a lot of stuff here that is grounded in opinion. BUT, those opinions aren’t arbitrary. They are ones we’ve found to be true based on the many testimonies of those who’ve been affected or damaged by porn use. They are the opinions of addicts, their spouses, and their children.
So next time you are thinking about doing a little trolling for porn ask yourself, “Who am I taking away time from while doing this?” Then ask, “Is it worth it?”
Does Porn Make You Less Faithful? by XXXchurch.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.