We leave NEXT SUNDAY! Here is some more info….
LOTS OF STUFF TO UPDATE YOU ON! Here is the first thing. If you want to help out we made an AMAZON wish list and you can purchase things and have them sent. More to come, but check out our list here:
If you have watched Episode #28 you have heard about the brothel in Ely that we have been working with since February. If you have not watched it, go watch it now.
The brothel in Ely is very old, in fact it’s a historical site for the
state of Nevada, and it’s having a hard time because of it’s old age.
These rooms are in desperate need of some freshly painted walls, new
bathrooms, and some carpet. What a thought, actually going and meeting
a physical need that effects these gals daily. Chances are they would
remember you and the love you showed them, and it would not be
Two ways to get involved.
1. GIVE. We need to raise $10,000 to make this happen. Donate on line now and select “Brothel Makeover” in the drop down menu.
Have a paypal account here is another way that you can give online.
2. Serve with us. Do you have the guts to show up? We could use a few people willing to help us out October 25-28th. We are looking for a group of talented construction workers,
decorators, painters, and just hard workers to come out to town of
Ely, Nevada and give a brothel a makeover!
If you are interested in joining us on the trip. We are asking everyone who is coming to raise $600 for the trip plus pay for airfare out to Vegas and your meals. We will cover your hotel. You can register for the trip on the SERVE site by clicking HERE.