I get a chance to meet up with a lot of speakers, artists and musicians in my travel. A lot of times I get to meet people whose music I love but once you meet them you get a little bummed about who they actually are. Sometimes, I get to meet people who I have never heard of and are blown away by who they are. Then I start reading or listening to their stuff and I find myself enjoying that more and more because of who they are. That’s the case with Fallstar.

I met Chris from Fallstar years back and was impressed by who this guy was from the first time I met him. He fronts the band Fallstar and had done a lot of work for our ministry through video editing and design. Their band has a huge opportunity to reach kids that we can’t reach. Their new album is out on FACEDOWN RECORDS and they needed a new van. We put our heads together and we want to introduce you to the #XXXFALLSTARVAN. If you see it on the road tag or tweet it with the #hashtag.

I have posted the video below about how this van came about and you can also check out their voices video to learn more about these guys.