I hope you are all enjoying your winter! A few quick things to tell you about in the land of XXXchurch.com. The latest podcast is up #38. We talk Tiger, White Collar Side Show and Porn and Pastries all in the same episode. Check it out online and tell your grandparents!

March 1st we will hold our second installment of X3LIVE. A time to chat and watch some stuff from us LIVE. We are talking to PARENTS. Yes, we said parents. Gather around the computer and watch. Lots to talk about. Parents you want to watch. Visit XXXchurch.com at 6pm PST on Monday, March 1st.

Bowlfest is coming up before you know it. We need people who believe in this ministry to come bowl 100 frames in Vegas and raise some money for the ministry. Find out more HERE.

Want to start a ministry? Have an idea for something out of the box and don’t know your next steps. Consider joining us at LAUNCH501c3 in May.  A few spots left.

The X3watch iPhone update has arrived. The new version will have tabs, history, bookmarks and so much more. Coming real soon. Our friends at Safe Eyes just released Safe Eyes 6. This is amazing.