“A Florida politician was left red-faced when he was caught looking at a photo of topless women in G-strings on his laptop while sitting on the Senate floor.”
In his defence, Mike Bennett, a state senator in Florida, said that he was “bored” during a debate on abortion in the state legislature in Tallahassee.
Video footage shows the Republican senator tilting forward the screen of his laptop – on which the offending photo is displayed – before closing the image and then tilting the screen back.
As he looks at the picture on his government-issued computer, another state senator is heard denouncing the law under question as “disrespectful to women.”
But the Florida senator had a ready defense.
“I was just sitting there, bored as they were debating the abortion bill,” Mr Bennett told the Sunshine State News. He added that the email was from an old friend “who happens to be a former court administrator.”
“I opened it up and said holy ****! What’s on my screen? and clicked away from it right away,” he said.
A senate spokesman said Mr Bennett had thought the email was relating to the abortion bill.
In the video, Mr. Bennett appears to click away from the page fairly quickly, only to open up a clip of a dog shaking off after going for a swim.
It was unclear whether the two emails were from the same sender. It was also unclear whether Mr Bennett also thought the dog video was related to the bill under discussion in the senate.
Asked if he would ever watch pornography on the senate floor, he replied: “You’d have to be insane to do that. It all goes through a server.”
Hey, we know this is an older story but there is something to be learned here – Be careful where you click! Whether it’s intentional or not, clicking the wrong links can lead to all sorts of problems. This is why we recommend you install accountability and filtering software like X3watch. It may be ok to let your fingers do the walking with a phone book (if you still use one) but with a keyboard it can be a risky proposition.
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