Here is an amazing story from someone who we have been in contact with from the adult industry. We are going to help with her November rent. If you would like to help you can donate here.
My fiance was never the religious type. He was actually brought up in an
anti-religious home, where his mother and father taught him his
whole life that religion was ridiculous; I was brought up in a divided
home. I had a mother who was very religious, but did not practice what she
preached, and a father who believed nothing of it. Growing up I always
believed in God, but I lost myself and my faith while working in the adult
entertainment industry.
When we decided we wanted to change our lives and quit adult
entertainment, we knew we wanted to change more than anything in the world
but didnt know where to go or who to reach out too.
I remembered a while ago watching MTV’s True Life “I am addicted to porn”
and hearing about the XXXChurch. I decided to check them out and send them
my story. Two days later Laura emailed me back and asked if she could call
me. After our first phone converstaion my life will never be the same. She
began by telling me her story and it felt so good to know that I wasn’t
alone. She prayed for me and told me God loved me and tears began to fall
down my face. She told me it wasn’t going to be easy, and believe me, it
hasn’t been, but I knew then and there I needed to change my ways and
devote my life to Christ. She recommended going to church and told us
where a fellow member of the XXXChurch went that was near my home. I was
nervous to ask my fiance to attend with me since I knew he wasn’t a
religious person, but he and I figured Laura was the first person in our
lives to offer to help so we might as well try it out. We were both very
nervous going to church and didn’t know what to expect, but thankfully,
Danny, a fellow member of the XXXChurch helped us every step of the way. I
shared my story with him and he in turn shared his story with me.
I can’t even begin to explain to you how truly touched we are by Laura and
Danny and all the other people that are behind us and support us in our
journey to get out of our past life and on the right path. Laura and Danny
have been there every step of the way encouraging us, giving us support,
sending us clothes, helping us look for jobs, giving us books and bibles,
even lunch money. It’s sad to say but I am not used to people being so
nice to me without wanting something in return. I still can’t believe how
hard people are working to help us when they barely even know us. My
fiance once told me he, ‘…would never believe in organized religion’. He
now says this is the happiest he’s ever been and all the good that has
come into our life since we decided to accept Christ into our life is
definitely a sign that God exsists and He is good.
We are both so excited to continue going to church and be good, God loving
people. Each and every day we are amazed at the good things God has given
us and we feel like our hearts are finally begining to heal. With the help
of every one and especially God, I had the stregnth to walk away from my
horrible past [stripping, escorting, cam-girl, alchoholism as a way to
escape]and start a new life with good people in it and a good relationship
with God.
I got a part time job that I will be starting shortly and with the help of
Danny and Laura at the XXXchurch, my fiance has been able to get some part
time construction work. We know that it is not going to be easy but we
know that the life we were living was wrong. We are not looking for a hand
out and are willing to do whatever it takes to turn our life around and
life in the way God intended. Clay and I would love to get married soon,
but financially, we can’t afford it at the moment. He even bought me
a ring from the quarter machine becuase he can’t afford a real one yet.
I can’t thank everyone enough that is behind us and supports us in what we
are trying to do. I was so broken and at a very low point in my life
before. I didn’t feel that I was worthy of Christ’s love and while I know
it is a major wound that will not heal over night, I now know that God
does love me and that if I just trust in the Lord anything is
Thank you again for all your help.
Forever Grateful