One of things I love about this ministry is that we are always looking to try something new. New videos, new programs, new promotions, new products, whatever. It’s great because I’m the type of guy that gets bored. There are some things we’ve tried that we’ll never do again, and then there’s stuff that just blows us away because of the success we experience.
Last month we decided to start doing FREE webinars. These aren’t glorified infomercials. They are real webinars that we’ve designed to offer our fans, followers, and friends valuable information and insight. We really had no idea what to expect but the first one was such a huge hit that we decided we absolutely had to do more.
Last month I talked about the Five Proven Ways to Overcome Pornography. It was awesome and we had over 5,000 people that watched it! We are still getting emails from people who ask how they can watch it (by the way, if you missed it you can watch it here).
My guest was Steve Luff who coauthored the book Pure Eyes with me and developed our X3pure men’s workshop. Steve is a super smart guy who really understands the nature of porn addiction. The book Pure Eyes is a must read for anyone struggling with porn addiction. Normally you would have to pay over $10 for it, but TODAY you can get the eBook version for FREE. To take advantage of this offer you can purchase and download it at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and If you don’t buy it today it will be at the reduced price of $6.99 from March 4th to the 9th but why not jump on the FREE offer now!
We love being able to do stuff like this because we know people need answers. They need real help. We want to be able to provide these things at no cost whenever we can.
Tomorrow I am hosting a second webinar. This one is especially for parents and will be dealing with How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex. It’s completely FREE and a must watch for anyone who’s currently a parent or plans on being one someday.
I’ll be talking about things like:
- When to have the “sex talk”
- Age Guideline – At what ages are certain topics appropriate to discuss
- The importance of listening
- The importance of honesty
- Being on the same page as your spouse
- The reasons to wait for marriage to have sex
- And much more
Parents, DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS! Register for this webinar today and take advantage of this valuable resource.
Also, don’t forget to get the book Pure Eyes at no cost today only!