We are headed back to the Gay Expo in NYC. The event will be March 19-21.
This is a really quick trip. Here are some details. This is a bit different from the Gay Expo that we did last year.
SAINT AT LARGE is a company that throws an annual gay fetish circuit party. It’s kind of a fetish and sexual, yet artistic sex party. They now have an expo for the day of the party. The Expo goes from 12pm – 7pm on Saturday, March 20th. It’s one day, and they will have 5000 attendees, which is what the party brings in annually. The event is called “The Black Party Expo”.
If you are interested in coming on this trip you will need to be to NYC by 5pm on Friday, March 19th. We will have a meeting on Friday night in the city with the volunteers. The load in for the expo will be in the morning on Saturday and then the show will be all day on Saturday.
On Sunday, Craig Gross is speaking at Journey Church on Sunday at 10, 11:30, 1pm and 6:30pm. You are invited to join us at one of the services and head to the airport anytime Sunday.
The cost of the trip will be $650 per person. That does not include transportation or food but does cover hotel accomidations for Friday and Saturday evening. The money you raise helps us hand out Bibles and cover show fees. We are taking a small team to this show. If you are interested in signing up or learning more email [email protected] or hit up www.fireproofministries.com/serve