The debate contiunes about hotel porn. I posted this last week.
My friend Jared who shared at a Porn and Pancakes with us a while back says he carries wire cutters. I mentioned this in my post. Here is what he told me by email yesterday. The bottom line is you will be tempted and the answer is not that hotels stop selling it. The answer is YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING.
Hotels are a trigger. I bring wire cutters with me in case I’m tempted. If I simply put the parental controls on the tv or tell the front desk not to allow them to allow adult channels…You know what I’ve done? I’ve simply called down and ask them to change it back or I’ll change it back myself.
I’ve asked the Front desk to remove my TV before, and they have declined, so what I do is bring wire cutters just in case. Lately I just take the power strip of the TV and tell the front desk that I’m working on a project. They give me a funny look and I stay pure.
I also make about 6 different phone calls to people so that they know where I’m at what I’m doing and what my game plan is. Since they all don’t get back to me at the same time, they end up calling at different times.
I also make sure I eat healthy and exercise when I travel. I keep myself busy. I don’t bring a laptop. If I do it’s a very old one that doesn’t have computer access. If I want computer access I go to the lobby hotel.
I also have a dumb phone. Because I’d do dumb things with a smart phone. This is where I catch up on a book, do some journaling, go to be early. If I go out to eat, it’s sushi, then to the gym then to the hotel…no need to explore the city…I’ll just end up getting into trouble.
Some would say, wow this is extreme. Then I just point them in the direction of scripture that talks about chopping your hand off before you lust. Does Jesus say that or doesn’t he. I think the above description is the way I handle not sinning. Some may need more some may need less. At all cost stay pure.