I hope everyone had an amazing time celebrating the resurrection of Jesus this past Sunday. A friend of ours, Rob Bell put out a video on Sunday celebrating the Resurrection you can check out HERE. I got to celebrate Easter with 40k plus people at Anaheim Stadium watching Rick Warren and the Jonas Brothers.
A few weeks back we went to the Gay Expo in NYC. We did not have a booth like we normally do. We just took a small group and handed out shirts and Bibles. Rachel Collins is amazing in these places and was great watching her interact and love these men. You can watch the latest X3TV episode on the XXXchurch.com site.
Last week on our site we posted a series of three blogs about the issue of “Same Sex Attraction” We have received a ton of emails about this issue and have never addressed it on the website in 8 years. We met a guy named Adam who shared his story and wanted to share this on the site. We talk about guys who struggle looking at women and thought that we should address the same issues for guys who struggle at looking at men. If you want to read about Adam and his series of blog CLICK HERE. We hope to continue this conversation and add new conversations like this on the XXXchurch site for men and women.
On Monday, we hosted our third X3Live event on the site. We talked to spouses who have been affected by the issue of porn. Nicole Wick had some amazing things to say. You can watch the rebroadcasts of all the X3Live events here on the site.