Have you ever wondered why we say “Jesus Loves Porn Stars?” Why not just say, “Jesus Love Everyone?” It’s safer and far less offensive to the more conservative crowd, right? Here’s the thing; Jesus does love everyone. It would be nice if we could just say that and get our message across but by in large people only hear what they want. This is why we say “Jesus Loves Porn Stars.” We confront the issue directly. When we go to a porn convention our goal is tell them that Jesus really does love them … and specifically them. We don’t generalize. Yes, Jesus does love everyone but unless we specifically call out whom “everyone” includes there are many who will miss the message.
Maybe you are reading this thinking, “Hmmm, yeah I’d love to go to one of those conventions and just love on people.” Well, here’s your chance. We go to over eight major porn shows a year to hand out Bibles and stickers that say “Jesus Loves Porn Stars.” It’s an awesome opportunity. An outreach with the X3 team will rock your world and change your life. Right now we are looking for outgoing and energetic people to join us for the upcoming Edison, NJ, Toronto, and Vancouver shows. If you are interested and want to step outside the box a bit, go to myxxxchurch.com and sign up today! Or, just help us spread the word & enter to win a sweet JLPS tshirt!