Many people are shocked to discover that they are profiting from, and supporting pornography through their investment accounts – and to a much greater degree than one might expect. The sad truth is that numerous and widely held household name companies are involved in the business of pornography.
As an investor in such a company, you are an owner of that company and are profiting from and supporting everything that company does. This realization is truly life changing for some people as they realize that their investment dollars are working in direct contrast with their efforts against pornography.
The good news is that investors have a choice. You can discover what you are really invested in and kick porn out of your portfolio (Tweet This!) — and still do very well financially. Christian Wealth Management has volunteered to provide complimentary Moral Audit reports for the entire XXXchurch community to help do exactly that.
Go to to get your investments screened today and make sure your dollars aren’t funding pornography!
Kick Porn Out Of Your Portfolio by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.