mercy-triumphs-judgement-blogIn this week’s podcast episode of Craig’s Car Ride I catch up with Michelle Truax. For those of you who don’t know, Michelle has worked with us for years but the work she does with women in the sex industry (the work she REALLY LOVES) has nothing to do with her actual “job.”

In this conversation Michelle and I talk about what a “grandma” has in common with a porn star, what we mean by mercy before judgement, and a whole lot more. We also talk about a new initiative with Strip Church called Bright Lights Big Cities. A campaign that aims to get 100 women in the 100 largest cities in the United States to join us in reaching out to women in their neighborhoods who are engaged on some level in the sex industry.

Here’s the question.

What if Jesus was serious when he identified you as the “light on the hill,” the one who is meant to “go and be a light unto the world”? What if He had a plan to deeply impact the lives of hundred or thousands of women through you?

Would you want to be part of that plan?

We believe that’s exactly what He desires.

We believe God wants to equip you to meet the needs of the women in your city by His love and connecting in ways that allow you to speak life and bring encouragement.

Listen to the podcast episode and find out more about Bright Lights Big Cities below.

Learn more at and find out how you can get involved.