Levi The Poet is: Realistic, Repentant, and Redemptive.
Levi is also my friend and a friend to XXXchurch.
You can see him on an upcoming youth curriculum we just shot and on our voices videos series.
He released a CD this past week called Monologues. It is incredible.
You can download for free www.comeandlive.com.
You can buy it from Levi’s website.
About The Album: Thematically, Monologues is heavy. It deals with the problem of sin, and that is always heavy (or, at least I hope it would be). “Kaleidoscope” is a poem that has been out for awhile now, for example, which is about a prostitute whose father raped her and whose mother neglected her – a woman who has lost even the hope of faith in something other than her daughter, but feels so ugly and responsible for the sins committed against her in the past that she continues the legacy as a prostitute stuck in the lie that penance will somehow fill her emptiness. Another track is about a relationship which devastated one of my best friends, who viewed her lover as her functional savior, and digressed into his every wicked desire while he treated her as nothing more than an object of his gratification. Another track is, essentially, a letter that I wrote to my father before his suicide, begging him not to give up on life, and seeking to remind him of the history that Jesus is ultimately working into his redemptive end.
I caught up with Levi earlier and he said this…
As a part of Come&Live! my wife, Brandi, and I, are what you would call: active “musicianaries”. As such, we are able to receive support from whomever feels led to donate it, and donors can receive contribution receipts for tax purposes, as well. I say that as an aside because, if you should decide to pay for the album at the Come&Live! website, and want your funds to come to us, you will need to specify “For Levi The Poet” in the comments / questions section. If you do not, your donation with not come to Levi The Poet (a.k.a. – Levi and Brandi Macallister). If you would like to give something to the furtherance of Come&Live! as a whole, feel free to leave the section blank, and help the whole Family out. It’s a privilege, honor and answer to prayer to be able to be a part of a community of folks who love Jesus and desire for a whole lot more folks to love Jesus, as well, and I hope that this album, and whatever is to follow, would be a blessing to the ears of those who hear it. It is a blessing to me that some ears want to hear it at all.
Helpful Links:
Website: www.levithepoet.net
Twitter: @levithepoet
Facebook: www.facebook.com/iamlevithepoet
Links to album reviews: