We are almost to August, hope everyone is having an amazing summer. We have lots of stuff we want to update you on…
latest episode of Dirty Little Secrets has been released. We speak with
the authors of the book “The Porn Trap”. It is episode #97 grab it in iTunes.

If you are recently purchased an iPhone, head over to applications store in iTunes and download the YouVersion Bible from our friends at LifeChurch.tv.
It is a great resource and is free. We are working on a mobile version
of XXXchurch website for the iPhone and looking into development of X3watch.

Summer will be over shortly and the school season will begin. We are
working on a  XXXchurch College Tour. Over 10 colleges have already
been lined up. If you would like to bring XXXchurch to your college
email [email protected].

Our last porn show outreach of 2008 will be in NYC. The show is
September 12-14 and we need volunteers and support for the JLPS Bibles.
If you want to donate to the Bible outreach click here. If you are interested in volunteering email Brandon.
If you are a pastor of a local church in the NYC or New Jersey area and
interested in bringing XXXchurch to your church that weekend email [email protected].

We released Pornmobile Confessions #7 last week, if you have not watched it, check it out here. The first season of Pornmobile Confessions has arrived on DVD in the XXXchurch store. It is only $12.95, a must have. Pick it up today.

If you have not heard of the new movie with Bill Maher, now you have.
They they are promoting XXXchurch.com all over their website. Lionsgate has launched a new viral marketing website for the upcoming documentary Religulous,
which features HBO talk show host and famous non-believer Bill Maher
taking on the world of religion. Along with Borat director Larry
Charles, Maher has traveled the world to explore the state of world
religion and ultimately to get people laughing in the process.

As he told Larry King, “there is something about religion today that is inherently funny.” The website Disbeliefnet.com,
serves as a marketing tool as well as a portal into the mind of Bill
Maher, who is one of the most publicly vocal cynics of organized
religion around. Whether or not you believe (or don’t believe) the way
Maher does, his intent seems to be to make you laugh. Check it out and
see all the attention XXXchurch is getting over there.

By the way…we are moving to Las Vegas. Get the info you need right HERE. Applications for internships starting in Jan. 2009 are now being accepted. Thanks for reading.

God Bless