We started Porn and Pancakes. The mormon group on the campus of Idaho State University offered free pizza for their Picket and Pizza night. They were against Ron Jeremy and myself taking part in the porn debate last night. Only a few showed up for the pizza, but over 1,000 showed up for the debate. Here is a piece from the news… Craig

It’s a controversial topic not many people talk about, but it took center stage at Idaho State University on Tuesday night.
Over 1,000 people filled the Jensen Grand Concert Hall to listen to adult film star Ron Jeremy and Pastor Craig Gross debate the topic of pornography.

“Maybe we should just talk about this,” said Gross. “People are consuming it, but no one wants to really talk about it.”
Not everyone feels the same way as Gross, though. Jeremy is one of the adult film industry’s biggest names. He said watching porn is just another form of entertainment.

“I feel it has a right to exist. Consenting adults having consenting sex for consenting adults to watch I think is perfectly reasonable.

“If I really felt that viewing adult material could lead to sexually aberrant behavior, make you into a sexual deviant, I would never have done it 29 years ago,” said Jeremy.

In the packed hall, many seemed to support Jeremy. Gross realizes that he won’t necessarily change people’s minds.
“I like engaging the crowd and trying to win them over. To me, 90 minutes tonight isn’t going to…change everybody’s stance on porn.”

Still he feels that this is a good opportunity. “A lot of people are just so uneducated when it comes to this subject that
a forum like this, especially on a college campus seems to work well.”