This truly may be the most meaningless post ever to be made on our blog
but here it goes. After a long day of speaking at Willowcreek Church,
Craig and I had to jet out to go to downtown Chicago to tape a live
segment on Geraldo Rivera’s show on FoxNews. We had just finished the
AXIS service and kicked off the screening of the film “Missionary
Positions” and had to run out the door, hop in a car, and hurry like
madmen to get down to the studio. Well none of us had anything to eat
since lunch and we were’nt going to be able to have dinner till after
Geraldo’s thingy which was taping live at about 9:50pm. I was famished.
We did the very short TV segment and left the studio to hunt for food.
It was now about 10:15pm. The driver “Papa C”, a Chicago expert, took
us to some dive to get a Chicago hot dog. I had never had a Chicago hot
dog. They just seemed very strange and weird. I’m kind of a basic guy.
Hot dog and ketchup. A Chicago hot dog was…Hot dog. A slice of
pickle. Peppers. Onions. Mustard. Bun. I took one bite of the dog and I
was in love. It was one of the best things I have ever had for dinner.
Long live the Chicago Hot Dog! Amen. Mike.
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