Day 1 – The first day is complete at the Miami Porn Show. More people, more glam and of course more porn, mark our second visit down to South Beach. We brought 3500 Bibles down to Miami and are not planning to take any home. Also, check out the new JLPS cutout – a new addition to Porn Show outreach booth.

It was a great day at the show to say the least. Highlights include…

One – A great team of volunteers from South Florida have stepped up to help out for the weekend, a couple of them even drove five hours to be here. It was awesome to see them work the floor at the show, We are thrilled the Florida Gals are here to help.

Two – JLPS Cutout is a hit! We had a cheap custom cutout made for the porn shows, kind of like those muscle man / woman touristy cutouts you see on vacation. It is straight gaudy and people are loving it. Check it out here.

Three – The Miami Herald stopped by the booth and interviewed Craig and took some photos. This story will run this Sunday Morning. Yea South Florida!

See all the pictures from the show on Flickr and stay tuned for updates and some video to come.

We thank you all for making this possible. We are blown away by the people grabbing a Bible for the first time, conversations such as this one from today, “That book you gave me, I read while I was at lunch today, i like it, it is way interesting…”

From South Beach…


Day 2 – It is 11:30pm and the show is just now wrapping up. Today was a great day. The team at this show has been great. The JLPS cut out is amazing! You got to see the team individual photos in the cut out. A few highlights for me were:

Several conversations with people that asked how we afford to do what we do. Questions about how much the Bibles were and how big this outreach is. Bottom line, people get it. People get that there are real tangible costs to do what we do and they all seemed genially thankful because we cared enough to come to what we do. So many people ask us if the Bibles are free and if they can have one and to see peoples faces light up when we say yes you can take one is just the sweetest feeling. The fact of the matter is that we do care and there are a group of people that believe in this ministry that do care about visitors to Exxxotica Miami. It is a thrill to know that we are bringing good news to people. That is our job here. That is why we got on a plane. That is what we signed up for

My wife talked to a man who liked what we did. He said he understood what our ministry was all about because he knew someone that lost a marriage because of porn and someone who was addicted to porn. He then admitted it was him. Honesty on a show room floor is refreshing but also sad…

Megan, one of our volunteers. We met her via the Internet because she shared her confession with us. I got to spend some time listening to her story today. A transformed life. We shot a video with her that will come out later.

That’s all I got for now. Jeanette and I are headed to a Pursuit Christian Church Sunday morning.


P.S. – El Clinto and Krissee dancing!

P.S.S – I might have had a slight altercation with a protester that ended with me throwing his sign in the street and then cars running it over. Just maybe. There is no point to it I know. You can’t change these people’s minds. You can’t out argue them. I just wish they would go away. I get so mad when I see what they do and hear the things that come out of their mouths. I could not just stand there and listen to such garbage. So, I took his sign….I am sure El Clinto will edit that video later. Jesus came for the sick not the healthy and nothing makes me madder then listening to people who think they are so healthy.


Day 3 – The show is a wrap and we are on our way home early Monday morning. All the Bibles were gone by midday on Sunday. It was a great show in Miami. Check out all the photos from the show on Flickr and of course check the photo of the fine protester.

-Brandon, El Clinto & Krissee