A year ago today was “The Wally Awards”. In case you are new to
XXXchurch.com, you might have missed this spectacular event. So, on the
year anniversay, lets remember what took place.
December 14, 2004 was the night of the Video Game Awards Show in
Santa Monica, California hosted by Snoop Dogg. But Snoop’s not the only
one who handed out hardware that night, ‘cause it was also the night of
The Wally Awards. The Wally awards are our answer to the 2004 Video
Game Awards. The show featured Mike and Craig of XXXchurch, Rob and JR
of Gatecreative.com, Bobito the Chef, Fin, Cal Logic and many others.
How did an industry that used to be represented by PacMan and Donkey
Kong turn into Leisure Suit Larry and Extreme Thong Volleyball? 2004
was the year of porn and sex in video games and Wally took notice.
• Game industry worldwide video game annual sales reached $20 billion (Cohen, 2000).
• In households with children, 67% own a video game system (Subrahmanyam et al, 2001).
• In a report by the Federal Trade Commission, of 118 “M” rated games, 70% were targeted to children under 17 years of age (FTC, 2000).
• Unaccompanied children, ages 13 to 16, were able to buy “M” rated video games 85% of the time (FTC, 2000).
1. Best Cross-Over Nude Pixel-torial Featuring Video Game Characters.
• Playboy Magazine / October issue WINNER
• Stuff Magazine / pick any month
2. The Biggest Boobs Award
• Luba Licious from Leisure Suit Larry: Magda Cum Laude (Vivendi Universal Games) WINNER
• BloodRayne from BloodRayne 2
• Mileena from Mortal Kombat
3. The “We Thought ‘M’ Stood for ‘Market to Children Whose Parents Aren’t Paying Attention Award
• Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas WINNER
• The Guy Game
• Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude
4. The “Can Anyone Tell Me What Makes Sense About Volleyball, Nudity And Knifing” Award
• Outlaw Volleyball: Spike or Die WINNER
• BMX XXX Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
5. The Whoa Dude, I Can’t Wait to Masturbate to That Award
• Nintendo’s Touching is Good and How to Score Campaign WINNER
• The Guy Game
• Rumble Roses
6.The “Let’s Face It, We Really Are Soft Core Porn” Award
• Rumble Roses
• The Guy Game WINNER
• Playboy: The Mansion
7. Wally’s Lifetime Achievement Award
• Parents of Children Everywhere! WINNER