Porn is represented in almost all media forms and is a driving force behind advertising campaigns. The sales on porn is astronomical and the amount of it out there is amazing.
There is $3,075 spent every second on adult material, according to CNBC. Each second, 28,000 Internet users are viewing porn; and every 39 minutes, a new adult video is being produced. Not only is porn being made for DVDs and the Internet but also for your iPhone or Blackberry.
Fact : The pornography industry is larger than the revenues of the top technology companies combined: Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo!, Apple, Netflix and EarthLink.
Along with any other addiction there is a need to consume more to achieve the desired results. You become unsatisfied with what you see, how often you get to see it, when is the next time you can get it. What starts as something that could be considered harmless, turns into something you can’t seem to be satisfied with…
WHY do you think PORN is addictive?
If you believe you have a problem with porn, click HERE to start getting help.