We head out on the road in a few weeks for the Starving Jesus tour. If you want to help please take the message of SJ to the nearest blog
and blog. Blog like there’s no tomorrow. Here is one Starving Jesus
story already causing a stir. It’s true!


I thought you might find it interesting, even humorous, to know
that I preached a sermon last Sunday in which I quoted the introduction
of your book (Starving Jesus), all the way to “Welcome to the
conversation”. The part about committing “spiritual suicide” and saying
“Church sucks” struck a chord, apparently. 2 days later I was told to
leave the church by my Pastor and the deacons. I was literally asked
“not to come back”.

I was the full time Worship Pastor for 5-1/2 years and a bit
controversial the entire time, because I consistently told people that
worship was not for them, as the church has trained them to think, but
that it’s for the heart of God. Of course, newer believers and
teachable followers of Jesus passionately embraced this truth, but the
larger majority has been struggling with me the entire time. My Pastor
(and friend), however, supported and defended me throughout. Until now.

I was already in the process of leaving the church to pursue a
vision God has given my wife and I for a ministry that involves simply
meeting people where they are, being Jesus instead of a church where we
expect people looking for God to come. I can’t find that anywhere in
the teachings of Jesus or the rest of the Bible. So after 15 years in
full-time ministry we are finally doing what we believe Jesus intended
for His bride to be. The only problem was that I wasn’t going to leave
until the end of July. Last Sunday’s sermon was going to be my farewell
address. I guess it really was!

One of the ironies is that the Pastor loved the message and said
it was the truth! But certain people were so upset and very vocal about
their anger, so he felt it was best that he remove the one that
“instigated” it. Hopefully he won’t do the same to the first
revolutionary – Jesus Christ.

Brian McDaniel Former Worship Pastor First Baptist Church of Vacaville, CA

More from Brian later when he will be a guest on the Starving Jesus podcast.