A great friend of mine pastors Origins church here in GR. He came up with a great idea… I wanted to share it with y’all in hopes this thing spreads to your church…

here is Jakes e-mail….

Hey Everyone,

It’s evident that we want to be a church that reaches out to our neighbors. As many of you have seen in the local press over the past year, there’s been a lot of controversy surrounding strip clubs in Grand Rapids. Many times it’s pitched as the religious in the area don’t want to be polluted by the evils of sexual sin in their neighborhoods, etc. In fact, this controversy has sparked new ordinances that prohibit nudity in the strip clubs. There have been lawsuits from some of the strip club owners saying that this is a violation of free speech, and that the religious people in West Michigan are once again trying to censor them and impose morals.

What if we, as a church, took an opposite approach? What if we started to show God’s love to these “entertainers” who dance sexually for money in the clubs? What if instead of condemning the ones who run the joints and work in the joints, we started loving them in practical ways? Valentine’s Day is coming, and we’re going to be sending flowers to some of the dancers in GR on that day. We all know that stuffing dollar bills in a G-string is not true Love, so on February 14th these ladies will experience the love of God by receiving flowers. They will know Origins Church as a church that doesn’t stand by and condemn, but a church that truly shows God’s love.

So, how can you be involved?

1. Pray
2. I’m trying to get flowers donated, but there may be a minimal cost involved…if you know any florists, send them my way.
3. Spread the word…this is what the Church needs to be about.
4. Stay tuned for more details as they unfold.


Jake for Origins Leadership Team

So… lets get it done