Well, it might not be the best, but we sure did have fun. After
hearing the story about Brandon from Pure Online and his run in with a
particular big creative church in Dallas and the bomb squad team (podcast #24) we thought of an idea for a show.
Call churches and try and get a hold of senior pastors. We even were
going to give away a prize. An IPOD NANO with all the episodes of Dirty
Little Secrets on it along with a special message on the back
“XXXchurch.com Love Mike and Craig”
So, you have to listen to the show. 2 minutes prior to going live,
we were told that we had to disclose that we were on the air live as
soon as someone picked up the phone, so that scared a few people off.
We even tried to call Ed Young Sr. in Houston. You will never guess
what happened when we called Ed Jr’s church as well.
Well, we do have good news. One senior pastor won the Ipod. We did
get one pastor to talk to us. Find out who landed the big score, Mike
or Craig?
The show was lots of fun. If we don’t have a show next week, it is
because we are in jail. We will have to do it again real soon. But next
time a crappier prize, because now we are out $150 bucks.
The show will be live on Itunes by Thursday. Subscribe today to the show by clicking this link! if you don’t have itunes, you can listen to the show by clicking here!
Oh! almost forgot. We had our good friend David Dean on the show as well. Funny guy.. DavidPDean.com (LAUGH BACK MOUNTAIN)