Craig here…Last night I went and saw Stryper. Stryper was one of
my favorite bands growing up along with Ratt, Warrant, Tesla, and
Cinderella. My youth pastor Tom would not let me watch the “Stryper
Live from Tokyo” video because he thought their leather pants were too
tight. Anyways, last night the leather pants and the yellow and black
were in full force at the House of Blues in Anaheim.
The show was sold out. A lot of mullets, ponytails, and bald guys. I
saw some sweet Ratt, ACDC, and Megadeth shirts in the crowd and a lot
of vintage Stryper tees. I was going to buy a Stryper Tee but could not
bring myself to spend 30 bucks for one.
I swear I saw JimmyD there. I kept staring but I don’t think it was
him. This guy was to my left and the guy to my right had his hand in
the air the whole show as well. My friend to my right even played a
little air guitar throughout different times of the night.
On with the show…The boys played for close to 2 hours. There were
countless number of guitar solos. There was even a little drum solo by
Robert Sweet. The band played through most of the hits starting with
songs from 1983 from “The Yellow and Black Attack” I was only 8 when I
first heard that album and was hooked.
The highlight of the night was when all the guys started throwing out
the coveted Stryper New Testament Bibles. They started doing that at
their shows back in the 80’s and last night was no different. I hope I
did not hurt that lady in front of me too bad, but the Bible was mine!
That’s right…After the Bible chucking they played some more songs. I
don’t know how old the guys are but they still are rocking it and
looking good after 22 plus years of Stryper. They played their last
song but we were not convinced they were done.
Then the encore came. To Hell With The Devil and Soldiers Under
Command was the way to end it. All in all a great show. The show was
entertaining and so was the people watching. Check out Stryper if you have no clue what this blog is all about.