Some of you may remember Bill, our
friend we meet in February at a Porn Sunday in Cleveland, Ohio. Bill
was recently sentenced to 5.5 years in federal prison for distribution
and possession of child pornography. Bill is doing his time in a prison
just outside of Boston, Mass. In early March Bill asked if Craig and I
would escort him to the Boston facility. On our drive to the prison
Bill kept saying he wants to start some kind of recovery group while
he’s there. Bill knows he must do the time and said he will make the
best of it. He wanted us to put his address out there if anyone wanted
to write him. He also wanted to pass this along… “I am a living
example of the devastating effects porn can have in peoples lives.”
Send letters to:
William Harold Hartman, Jr. #30097-160
P.O. BOX 879
DEVENS, MA 01434