Here is the latest info going on in the world of X3.

***The latest episode of X3TV is now live. This is the recap of our time at the brothel in Ely, Nevada. You can watch and see what we were able to do.

***This coming Wednesday night we are going to be LIVE on Facebook for the Great Porn Debate. The event will be at 7pm Central time.

LIVE on Facebook >>>

Link to share:

Jeremy will debate Craig Gross at Wisconsin Univ live on Facebook via
ClickCast. Ask questions and during the Q&A and they will be
answered LIVE!

This event is for mature audiences.

***We are looking for 1 more female intern for January-May to work
directly with the brothel and strip club outreaches that are happening
in Vegas! This is an opportunity and life experience that you do not
want to miss. The is stepping out and doing rather than just talking!
Come be a part of the fun and adventure in 2010 as we continue to build
relationships in Las Vegas. Apply on line and who knows you may just
find yourself right where God wants you!

It is never to early to apply for the summer as well. We have 5 spots for male and females available in the summer of 2010.



***X3pure is an incredible new program offered by Check it out today and start your road to recovery.