I don’t know about you but this week I have been watching and waiting to see if Felix Baumgartner will make his record breaking skydive. For those who do not know what I am talking about Felix is going to jump from a capsule at 120,000 feet above the earth. WOW! I have been consumed watching Felix’s channel on You Tube this week. I know if I got side tracked by something as simple as this then work, family and sleep may have caused you to miss something exciting here with us. Lets get caught up.

This week Shellie asks the questions “When Is It Porn and When Is It “Just Acting”?”  Shellie really makes you sit back and think about the movies you watch. Ask yourself “with bad lighting and corny music could this be a porn scene?”  Over on our parents page Kevin wrote about our oversexed culture. Kevin speaks truth in his blog when he says “Our teens are paying the price from the lies our culture is painting over the realities of sex.” Craig shared the recap of the Strip Church training recently held in Miami. On Friday night, they did an outreach, where three teams visited 20 different strip clubs all around Miami. By the end of the night, they had handed out over 900 gift bags to girls in the clubs!!

This week on Facebook we talked about accountability, responsibility and your ability to stay porn free. We even gave a little teaser about what is going to start Nov 4th. Head over and see what we are talking about. If you are not a friend on Facebook its easy. Just follow the link and click “like”. 

Our tweet of the week: “Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy.”

FYI: Please spread the word for iOS 6 and iPhone 5 update is out version 1.5.4 download update.

As always we want to say THANK-YOU for all your love and support! We also want to remind you to hold each other accountable it is the key to successful sobriety.
