I don’t know about you, but when I leave this world I want to know that I made a difference; that I made an impact and changed some lives.
Maybe it’s just a need to feel like I served a purpose.
Maybe it’s some sort of philanthropic selfishness.
Or maybe it’s because that’s what Jesus has called us to do: change lives.
Around ten years ago we met a porn star named Brittni at the Las Vegas AVN convention while on outreach. Brittni was a big name in the industry. In fact, she was one of the biggest names and seemingly “had it all.” But like so many we’ve met in the porn business, the “all” she had wasn’t really the “all” she wanted or needed.
When we met Brittni, we gave her a Bible that said “Jesus Loves Porn Stars” on the cover and simply showed love to her. We got to know her and became her friend. This was especially true of a woman on staff named Rachel, who took an interest in Brittni’s non-porn life and got to know her as a person.
Year after year and convention after convention, Rachel sowed into this relationship with no expectations. Until 7 years later when Brittni contacted us to let us know she had found Jesus! You can watch her entire amazing story in this video.
But here’s what I don’t want you to miss.
This entire amazing journey started because of a Bible that declared “Jesus Loves Porn Stars.”
[ctt title=”This entire amazing journey started because of a Bible that declared “Jesus Loves Porn Stars.”” tweet=”‘This entire amazing journey started because of a Bible that declared Jesus Loves Porn Stars.” – https://ctt.ec/ehkdb+” coverup=”ehkdb”]
This small Bible with a slogan on it that seems so counterintuitive to so many was the trigger for a long-time relationship that resulted in a changed life. Brittni’s life.
We hand out over 2,000 Bibles at each of the largest adult Sexpos across the world. Over the years we’ve updated this little Bible with new stories, new images, and a new featured Gospel (Luke). But the message is the same:
Jesus Loves Porn Stars.
We need your help with this.
Our “Donate Bibles” Campaign is currently raising $40,000 to manufacture 30,000 MORE copies of our Jesus Loves Porn Stars Bibles which we will then distribute at the largest adult Sexpos, handing them out to men and women involved in the sex industry.
Our Goal: Raise $40,000 to fund all costs associated with providing 30,000 copies of our Jesus Loves Porn Stars Bibles.
Your support can make a huge difference!
The type of difference Jesus has asked us all to make.
For every $5 gift we can make and give away 3 Bibles.
That’s three lives.
Three people like Brittni who need to find Jesus.
Three points of impact you will leave as part of your own personal legacy.
We have several giving levels that come with a bunch of perks like an all-expense-paid outreach experience to an upcoming convention of your choice. You choose the level of giving, but know that whatever the gift size, you are paving the way for all the other Brittnis out there.
Would you consider joining us in this opportunity?
We believe God’s word doesn’t return void.
[ctt title=”We believe God’s word doesn\’t return void.” tweet=”‘We believe God’s word doesn’t return void.’ – https://ctt.ec/bGBcM+ (by @X3church @craiggross)” coverup=”bGBcM”]
Help us raise the money we need to meet this amazing goal!
“Don’t blame the dark for being dark. Blame the light for not shining on the dark.”
Please Give To This Project Now!